Thursday 21 September 2006

Aryabhata Science Seminar & Maha Bhaskara Shastra Vijnan Pradarshini

The Science Seminar for AryabhataTrophy and Maha Bhaskara Shastra vjnan pradarshini were organized from 19 to 21 September 2006 in Vivekananda Kendra Vidyaiaya (NEC) Baragolai, Margherita. There were 54 participants in the two programmes. The programmes were in two groups-Junior and Senior. ln the Junior group 11 Vidyaiayas and in the senior group 7 Vidlahyas participated. The inauguration programme for the Siience Seminar wds on 19 September 2006. The Guest of Honour in the function was Sri A. K. Bora, General Manager,North Eastern Coalfields,Coal lndia Limited' The Shastra Vijnan Pradarshini was inaugurated in the afternoon of I9 September by Sri Vishwas Lapalkar, Secretary VKSPV. ln the senioi group 7 Vidyatayas participaied. Theinauguration programme for the Science Seminar was on 19 September 2006.Topics for science seminar for Aryabhata Trophy which was held on 19 september 2006.

Junior Group: Naturat Fibres 

* Sources ava ilable in Narth-East far economic utilization 

* ln the manufacturing of fabrics 

* ln the production of handicrafts

Senior Group: Flowers of North-Easf

* Their extract as natural colours and dyes 

* Their medicinal importance

*  As biocides

Topics for Scten ce Exhibition for Maha Bhaskara Trophy

held from 19 to 21 September 2006

Junior G.roup:

* Pressure and Temperature  * lmpact of Food Adutteration

Seniar Group-:

* Bio-fuel- lts production and application  * Electromagnetism

The Valedictory Function for the two programmes was on 21 September 2006. The Chief Guest was Dr. R. Patnaik, CMO, North Eastern Coalfields, Coal lndia Limited. He also gave away the prizes the to winners. One of the special guests in the function was Sri Rohan Bora, a student of VKV Golaghat, who represented our nation in Stockholm, Sweden in the Junior Water prize Competition.He also gave away the prizes to the participants.


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