Saturday 23 May 2009

Personality Development Camp for Class VI

Games, Tales & Cultural Activities can be means to Develop Personality!

19-23 May 2009, 12 VKVs

Participating VKVs: 12, Total participants: 591

Taking a road untrod, VKSPV conducted PDCs simultaneously at 12 VKVs with the object of developing leadership through games, tales, lectures, discussions, dramas etc. Some key themes dealt with were: ‘Swami Vivekananda: An Inspiring Soul’, ’Our Leaders’, ‘Bharatiya Sanskriti’, ‘Responsibility Towards Our Motherland’. The help from the teachers and the well wishers including the parents in conducting the PDCs was remarkable. A one day Pre-PDC training programme for the Shibir Sanchalaks (Camp Co-ordinators) was also conducted to discuss the processes and the content of the Shibir in detail.

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