Saturday 17 December 2011

Internal Monitoring and Mentoring 2011

Sharing for growth of Vidyalayas.

15th-17th December 2011 at VKV (NEC) Baragolai

VKSPV initiated its first ever internal monitoring and mentoring programme with a view to sharing the human and infrastructural resources amongst the Vidyalayas under its fold to facilitate their harmonious growth. Two teams of senior teachers including Principals under the guidance of Su.M.S. Lalita, Joint Secretary VKSPV visited the two Vidyalayas and observed as well as assessed various areas of importance such as morning and afternoon assemblies, Scholastic and co-scholastic classes, students' notebooks and diaries, all types of attendance registers, teachers' lesson plan diaries etc. Subsequently, best of the Vidyalayas' practices were shared by the teachers while receiving valuable suggestions for the improvement of the Vidyalaya's Scholastic and co-scholastic activities.

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