The 3
rd Veenapani
Lalit Kala Samaroh was inaugurated on 24 December in the campus of Vivekananda
Kendra Vidyalaya Tezpur by Prof. Pradip Jyoti Mahanta, Dean,
School of
University. The occasion
was also graced by Su. Nivedita Bhide, Vice President Vivekananda Kendra,
Kanyakumari. Ma.. Pravin Davolkar, Jt. Gen. Secretary Vivekananda Kendra.
Nineteen (19)

schools participating in the five day cultural meet took part in
the inaugural ceremony holding placard and flag of respective schools. The Samaroh
was formally declared open by Ma. Pravin Dhavolkar, Secy. of Vivekananda Kendra
Vidyalayas, and North East. In his inaugural speech Ma. Pravin Davolkar briefed
the objectives of organizing such common programme by VKSPV. Su. Nivedita Bhide
in her brief address highlighted the importance of Indian classical music and
dance and how it has invited both National and International attention from
time to time. She expressed, the void which is created in the modern generation
could well be satisfied with an inclination towards Indian culture and its
composite reflection in the Indian classical dance and music. Prof. Pradip Jyoti
Mahanta present in his address reflected on the richness of Indian music and
legend. He expressed the inevitability of a change of mind-set of the youth to
retain the great cultural diversity of our country alive. The display of
cultural items by students of VKV Tezpur in the inaugural programme revealed
the mood of the Vidyalaya that was hosting such a big event. There were brilliant
performances by students on befitting themes.and Social Science,

The various events in the Samaroh
gave an opportunity to the 19 participating schools to realize their potential
in various co-curricular activities. The events included in the samaroh are

Borgeet, Sattriya Dance, Instrumental Recital (Khol, Tabla, Violin, Mandolin,
and Sitar), Lokageet, Patriotic Song, Mime, Classical Dance and Bhajan. Since
most Indian classical dances are based on mythology, the dancer also gets to
learn about our heritage and culture. Selective events in the Samaroh have
their own objective to make students aware of our classical instruments- through,
lokageet to learn about the philosophy of life, through recitation, the
patriotic poets and through Bhajan, training of a calm and cool mind. There
encouraging participation by schools in almost all the items. Eligible schools
participated in most of the events as per the guidelines already set by the
organizer. Total framework of the Samaroh was keeping in view one of the five
fold aspects of personality development i.e. emotional and spiritual.
The enthusiastic and dynamic performance of the
participants of various schools enthralled all who witnessed the Samaroh from
24 to 28 of December 2014. Especial efforts of parents, teachers and
well-wishers of VKV Tezpur made the event a grand success. The valedictory
function of the Samaroh was held at Ban Theatre Tezpur on 28 December. Sri
Jeeten Basumatary, a renowned vocalist (classical) graced the function as chief
guest. Also on the occasion was present Sri Joram Begi, Director of Higher and
Technical Education (Retd.) Govt. of Arunachalm Pradesh. There were colourful
cultural performances on stage by groups of students of VKV Tezpur. The main
attraction of the evening was the concert by Sri Jeeten Basumatery. He kept the
audience spellbound by his musical enchantment. A brief prize distribution
ceremony marked a closing of the five day cultural
extravaganza. Prizes were
given away for all individual and group performances. There were two special
prizes for the schools that gave overall disciplined performance. VKV Tinsukia with
24 points begged the ‘Best Cultural Troupe’ award. VKV Bokulani with 21 points
was second in the list to beg the ‘2nd Best Cultural Troupe’ award. The
Samaroh gave the opportunity to the organizer to see how well the students are
groomed in various cultural activities in its schools.
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