Thursday, 12 October 2017

Nibandha Likhan Spardha (Essay Writing Competition) - 2017

The Principal
Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya

Sub: Nibandha Lekhan Spardha (Essay Writing Competition) & power point presentation.
Dear Sir/ Didi
This year the Nibandha Lekhan Spardha (NLS) is scheduled for 28th October 2011. For this year,s NLS the sub-themes for Junior level are given under two main themes i.e. sister Nivedita and Swachhata (Cleanliness)
The sub{themes / topics of the Nibandha Lekhan Spardha-2017 for junior group (Class-Vl to Vlll) are as follows:
1. Sister Nivedita and Swami Vivekananda
2. Bhagini Nivedita for uplift of Women
3' A clean school environment - a step toward clean India(swachha Vidyalaya : swachha Bharat)
4. My Role in keeping my school environs clean
The NLS provides opportunity to VKVians to develop reading, writing and thinking skills, which play a vital role in shaping a rounded personality. The skills may be assessed and awarded subject enrichment activity in languages.
1' one has to write on any one of the above mentioned topics/sub themes within 5oo-750 words.
2. Duration: t hour 30 minutes preferably from 9 to 10.30 am.
3' Foolscap ruled papers with school seal should be distributed among students for writing on the spot.
4' Students should be asked to use blue ball pens to write the essays. They should mention their name, class, school and topic on the front page. They should start writing the essay from the second page. Both sides of papers should be used for writing.
5' AII the papers should be collected at the end of the competition.
6' The essay papers are to be checked by a few teachers/ Principal/ vice principal and marks are to be awarded as per the following criteria:
Particulars/ Areas Marks
Content(Relevance,Originality & Clarity of India 20,Correctness of Language 10 Style and Phraseology 10,Persuasiveness and message 10
Total Marks 50
7' T'he best three essays adjudged on the basis of the marks awarded should be sent to VKSPV Guwahati so that they reach the office on or before 30 November 2017. The name and signature of each elevator and marks by the student should be clearly mentioned on the front page of the essay booklets.
8.' From the top essays received from the schools, VKSPV will evaluate and award the winners. The selected articles may be published in some journals.
Power Point presentation for senior Group
This year for senior group students (class lx & above) presentation on the following it'ems in commemoration of the
Theme: Sister Nivedita's contribution to our Motherland'
Sub Themes:
1.. Personalities inspired by Bhagani Nivedita
2. Sister Nivedita's Tyag & Seva
3. Sister Nivedita and Swami Vivekananda
4. Bhagini Nivedita for uplift of Women
5. lndian freedom movement and Sister Nivedita
6. Nivedita on Education.
This will be a two phase competition. First phase: school level' second phase: VKSPV level'
Rules :-
A maximum of 3 sub themes can be taken.
Language: English.
Phase -l 
Strength of the team : 4/5 members
Maximum slides : 15, Duration of Presentation: 6 minute & 2 minute for interactation.
Schools can decide if the mode of the compression should be intra class followed by inter class or it should
be only inter class. school will appreciate the winners of the first phase. The phase -l of the competition to
be completed on or before 28 October 2017'
Phase -ll
School will find its own methodology of selecting these two students from the winning team'

Each team in the final round will submit a write up of the presentation they are going to make' Concerned
teacher/s-in-charge will ensure the participation of all students of the eligible classes in the competition'
The date and venue for Phase-II competition will be intimated to the schools in due course'
This is to be declared to the students and displayed in the notice board as soon as it is received in
the school.
Wishing you all a very Happy Diwali and Kali Puja,
Sincerely Yours
RN Pathak
Office In-Charge
VKSPV Guwahati

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