Appreciation Programme:
Ganit Prajna Samvardhan (GPS) is a step to appreciate the efforts of the top rankers of Ganit Prajna Pariksha as well as to expose them through interactions to renowned mathematicians and educationists.Every obstacle is an opportunity for a new venture. Considering Covid-19 restrictions, the team GPS organized an appreciation programme online on 26 November 2020. Prof. D. C. Nath, Vice Chancellor of Assam University Silchar appreciated the students for their excellent performance. All rankers were encouraged by other dignitaries as well including Sri Pravin Dabholkar, Joint General Secretary, VK Kanyakumari. It was attended by 130 top 10 rankers and the teachers from 21 VKVs of Assam and Nagaland.
Ganit Prajna Pariksha(GPP):VKSPV organizes various activities for all round development of individuals. As a part of it VKSPV initiated the activity Ganit Prajna Pariksha for the students of classes VI, VII and VIII in VKVs of Assam and Nagaland with the aim to enhance the capacity of students in the subject Mathematics.GPP is organized with a motive of understanding students' learning difficulties in Maths and helping them out. It also creates a better environment for learning Mathematics with a mind free from trauma.Various workshops are conducted for motivating students besides providing them a GPP Question bank for practice.The GPP 2021 was held in March 2021. A total of 2557 students appeared in the GPP in all the 3 eligible classes i.e. classes VI, VII and VIII, of which 105 students have secured the first 15 ranks.