Thursday 6 June 2024

VKV Nayabazar Celebrates World Environment Day with Plantation and Art

Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya Nayabazar marked World Environment Day with a vibrant celebration that emphasized the importance of nature and sustainability. The event featured a plantation drive, drawing competition, and participation from the local community.

Leading the initiative was Jahnabi Lahkar, the esteemed principal of Nayabazar College, who graced the occasion with her presence. Accompanied by a dedicated group of college staff and students, she actively participated in the plantation program, demonstrating a commitment to environmental conservation.

The heart of the celebration was the enthusiastic involvement of VKV students. Carrying an array of flowering and fruit-bearing plants, the young participants diligently planted them, adding a touch of greenery and promise to the school grounds. The act symbolized the nurturing spirit and the potential for growth, echoing the essence of World Environment Day.

To further engage the creative minds of the students, a drawing competition was organized for classes I to V. The theme revolved around nature, inspiring the young artists to express their environmental consciousness through colorful strokes and imaginative compositions. The competition not only provided a platform for artistic expression but also instilled a sense of responsibility towards the environment.

The World Environment Day celebration at VKV Nayabazar served as a reminder of the interconnectedness between humans and nature. By fostering a love for plants and encouraging artistic expression, the event instilled a sense of environmental stewardship in the hearts of the participants. It was a day of learning, growth, and collective action, contributing to a greener and more sustainable future.

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