Thursday 6 June 2024

VKV (NEC) Baragolai Nurtures Green Values on World Environment Day

Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya (NEC) Baragolai marked World Environment Day with a series of enriching activities aimed at fostering environmental awareness and responsibility among its students. The celebrations, spanning the first three periods, encompassed a diverse range of programs.

The day commenced with a plantation drive within the school campus, led by the enthusiastic students of Class VIII. This initiative not only contributed to the school's green cover but also instilled a sense of ownership and pride in the environment among the young participants.

Adding a creative touch to the celebrations, students from Classes V, VI, and VII engaged in a "Best out of Waste" competition. This innovative contest encouraged resourcefulness and ingenuity as students transformed discarded materials into functional and artistic creations, highlighting the importance of recycling and reducing waste.

To further stimulate intellectual engagement with environmental issues, an inter-house speech competition was organized. The event provided a platform for students to articulate their thoughts and perspectives on various environmental challenges and solutions, fostering critical thinking and effective communication.

The celebrations were graced by the presence of Sri D Rama Rao, the esteemed Headmaster of Adarsh Hindi M E School, Baragolai, as the Chief Guest. His participation added prestige to the event and underscored the collaborative spirit between educational institutions in promoting environmental consciousness.

VKV (NEC) Baragolai's World Environment Day celebration exemplified the school's commitment to nurturing environmentally responsible citizens who are equipped with the knowledge, skills, and values needed to address the pressing environmental challenges of our time.

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